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Search for "kriging estimation" in Full Text gives 1 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology.

Influence of surface chemical properties on the toxicity of engineered zinc oxide nanoparticles to embryonic zebrafish

  • Zitao Zhou,
  • Jino Son,
  • Bryan Harper,
  • Zheng Zhou and
  • Stacey Harper

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2015, 6, 1568–1579, doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.160

Graphical Abstract
  • between clusters might happen making determination of the cluster number the first concern. Although there are several algorithms to decide the cluster number, the lack of robust data sets such as this preclude a current understanding of which algorithm may be appropriate [48]. Kriging estimation Based on
  • the two most dominant PCs that explained 87.3% of the variance in the toxicity data, we performed the kriging estimation at each of the exposure concentrations. Interestingly, the exposure concentrations had little influence on the coefficients of determination with similar values being determined at
  • each concentration (Figure 6, Supporting Information File 4). Kriging estimation further elucidated the impacts of NP size. Based on Figure 6, we can see that the largest bare particle (NGZ) also has the highest mortality (Figure 3B) and the cluster 2 surface modified 26 nm particles were predicted to
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Full Research Paper
Published 20 Jul 2015
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